Rauf 2024 - 2025
Mr van Boggelen
Class Teacher
Miss Massey
Teaching Assistant
Important information:
Our PE day is a Tuesday. We expect all pupils to arrive in school on this day wearing appropriate clothing and trainers.
Homework is sent out on a Monday. We expect that this is returned to school by the following Friday. This includes weekly spellings, handwriting and times tables activities/revision.
Our spelling test will be on a Friday.
We expect our children to read at least 3 times a week. Every child has a reading record that should be returned to school the following day and it will be checked by an adult every Friday.
For our daily 'brain breaks' we watch videos from Danny Go, check it out via https://www.youtube.com/@DannyGo

We will be reading the Boy in the back of the class later this school year.
To find out more about the author child's class is named after, please visit https://onjaliqrauf.com/