Fletcher 2024 - 2025

Miss Bastin

Class Teacher

Welcome to Fletcher Class!

Fletcher Class is named after the famous Tom Fletcher who is renowned for his musical and literary success. You may know Mr Fletcher from his fame with boyband McFly or through his many books, one being, The Creakers. Through the first week back at school, we explore a book by Tom Fletcher, The Danger Gang. The children read about a group of children in a small town called Freaky and how a lightning storm caused them to gain superpowers. The children then designed their own superhero-selves and explored how they might spend a day saving their hometown.

To find out more about the author your child's class teacher is named after, please click on the link below.


Tom Fletcher

Year 3 is a very exciting year, with topics such as the iron age, the Egyptians, volcanoes and more…


Key Information:

Rotation will be on a Wednesday afternoon. This is when the children will take part in PE, Computing and Art, meaning they will need to be dressed in the appropriate PE kit.

Homework will be given out on a Friday and will be due back in the following Thursday. This includes weekly spellings, maths related topics and times tables activities/revision. A full list of homework can be accessed via the tab above. 

Our spelling test is on a Friday.

We expect our children to read daily. Every child has a reading record that should be returned to school the following day so it can be checked by an adult. 


Useful website links

Times Table Rock Stars - 


Hit the button - 


X2 table song - 



X4 table song -


X5 table song -


Grammar - 


Spelling - 


Punctuation - 


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