St Michael's Academy encourages the wearing of a school uniform to help foster a community spirit and a sense of belonging for our children. We believe that it also reduces the burden of having to decide what to wear and what not to wear. We also believe that a uniform promotes positive behaviour. We are very proud of the fact that the vast majority of our pupils wear the uniform, creating a very smart, purposeful look for school life.
Grey or black pinafore dress, skirt or trousers
White or pale blue blouse/polo shirt
Royal blue school sweatshirt and/or fleece
White socks
Blue and white summer dress
grey or black trousers
white or pale blue shirt/polo shirt
royal blue school sweatshirt and/or fleece
white or grey socks
Grey or black trousers or shorts
White or blue shirt/polo shirt
Children should wear a sensible style in black. High heels or trainers will not be allowed in the interest of safety and hygiene.
For P.E. sessions the children must have a change of clothing for hygiene and safety reasons. The P.E. kit consists of:
A pair of black shorts
A white t-shirt (not polo shirt)
A pair of suitable trainers/plimsolls
Swimming Kit
Trunks/Swimming costume - (no bikinis or Bermuda shorts)
Children are not allowed to wear jewellery as this can be dangerous especially in PE. Long hair must be tied back. Nail varnish is not permitted to be worn at school.
Our Logo Uniform can be purchased from the South West School Wear shop in Yeovil or online at https://www.swschoolwear.co.uk/ .The school will also have a number of secondhand items available, please contact the school office or Mrs Cole for more information.